Field research, around noon
this field research is a follow-up the previously posted Field research, squares in the dark:
The same places as the field research in the dark, but then during the day during at lunchtime.

a stream of people goes to the supermarket

under the arcade it looks a lot darker than with lighting in the evening

A bit of a weird situation in this place, but actually you have to be here on a nice day when people are free. Therefore a picture of how it can be in the summer:

There were some people inside the restaurant, but outside it was too cold to eat lunch.

People are always smoking joints here, since the coffeeshop is around the corner.

The basketball court was empty at 12:10 and there were some young people hanging out behind the fence. But when I came back at 14:45 there were people playing on the field.

On the Schouwburgplein there were a few people on the benches and there was a groups on the square eat their lunce. Many people also walked along the side of the square.
The atmosphere is different now as on each square as in the evening. The visitors uses the the square differently and lighting no longer creates the most fun cosiness. It remains cold that makes people do not stay for a longer time in at the places but mainly pass by.